Malaysian Beauty & Lifestyle Blogger

FREE Vaccination + All Expenses Paid Trip

I was recently made aware of Cervical Cancer, the 3rd most common cancer to occur to Malaysian women D= It is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) but good news is that..

It can be prevented

Through a simple HPV vaccination! Vaccination is believed to be able to reduce deaths by up to two-thirds. I did survey a bit and it usually costs over a thousand. Just for a simple shot =(

However, now the Population and Family Development Board Malaysia (LPPKN) under the prevision of Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (KPWKM) is offering the vaccination free of charge.

Yes, it is FOC!

Must read!

  • Pregnant women are not eligible
  • You must be above 18 years old
  • It is absolutely FREE for people born in 1993 and 1994
  • ANYONE can come, even if you are not a student from the college

When? 2nd October 2013
What time? 9 am - 4 pm
Where? Syopz Mall (Inside Taylor's Lakeside University)

Every person who finishes all 3 doses will get a free pass to a concert next year!

That's not all~~ If you gather your friends and come in groups of 5, you could win a Girls' Day Out!


Sounds good eh?

For more information, check out


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