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[Giveaway] QQ Books - Learning & Fun for Young Children

They say a child's mind is like a sponge so we should teach them early but it's also important to make the learning process fun to encourage them!

Scholastic QQ Books set

Was flipping through one of the QQ Books and this page caught my eyes OMG SO CUTE

QQ Books sheep

Your child is supposed to stick on the sheep's wool xD Here's one book I wouldn't mind playing with Carlson with..

QQ Books sheep sticker

The books contain a lot of colourful visuals so we use them to teach him words too.

Carlson playing with QQ Books

This is Carlson's first sticker book! He was rather irked by the new sticky stuff at first xD Each book comes with 100 pieces of colourful stickers.

QQ Books 100 stickers

He didn't know what to do with the stickers at first so have to teach him how it works.. We're decorating the gingerbread house here! I hope there isn't a witch inside =/

Carlson using the stickers on a QQ Book

Recently he's starting to learn animal sounds so this page of animals is great (I'm actually saying mooo while snapping this pic). 

Exploring a QQ Book

While they all look like normal sticker books, each set actually has 3 different books - EQ, IQ & CQ. There are 4 sets: age 1-2, age 2-3, age 3-4, and age 4-5.

CQ (Creativity Quotient)

Ability to create new ideas, connected to imagination and curiosity. Here, you child is free to decorate the page, put on accessories and play dress up. There aren't guides (dotted line or shadows) so it is up to their creativity. My favourite sheep page is in this book! xD

QQ Book leaves

IQ (Intelligent Quotient)

Ability to absorb and retain information, problem solving, spatial imagery abilities. This book contains vocab, counting, classification, sequences, matching the sticker to the shadow/shape/halve, figuring out the animal based on the given body parts etc.

QQ Book birthday

EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient)

Ability to manage emotions and be empathetic of others; develop self esteem & social skills. I found that it teaches children a lot of useful things such as putting back your toys, safety, personal hygiene, differentiating good/bad food and communicating with other children.

QQ Books for kids

These were published by Scholastic who has books catered for ages 0+ to young adults. Some of the popular titles like Hunger Games, Clifford and Harry Potter are under them as well.


I have 3 sets of these books to giveaway! Simply leave a comment on my Facebook page timeline telling me what you like about the QQ Books. I will be contacting the winner from there.

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QQ Books and more by Scholastic are available at all major bookstores in Malaysia.


** Product was provided by the company for review purposes. However, this has not affected my thoughts on the product in any way.

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