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How to Survive Long-Distance Relationships and Get the Most Out of It

Have you ever been in a situation where you had to leave your significant other for an unknown amount of time? Not because you wanted it but because you had to? We have all been there. In this case, a long-distance relationship can become a great decision. Yes, you will be apart for an uncertain period. However, if your feelings are strong enough – the distance will not affect your partnership at all. Here are some simple yet important recommendations to help you survive a long-distance relationship and get the most out of it.

1) The Internet is your best friend

Just imagine that a hundred years ago people could only exchange letters, which was quite a clumsy way to communicate. Now we have smartphones with Internet connection in almost every part of our planet. Numerous people found their love on dating sites! Use the various communication channels that the Internet has provided you with – mobile messengers, video calls, gift delivery etc. Even though many people know about these tools, people tend to limit their communication to scheduled Skype calls, which makes things dull.

2) Set the ground rules

Every relationship is unique. Concepts like 'open relationships' or 'long-distance relationships' are just canvases while the details are optional and remain at your own discretion. If you decided that you don’t mind your partner to have casual sex while you are away – it’s absolutely okay and nobody can judge you. If you want to focus on sexual fidelity and create a high level of dependability in your partnership – it’s your own decision. Nonetheless, the main point here is that both of you have to be 100% committed. Or nothing is going to work out.

3) Control your communication

Without doubts, verbal communication, video chatting, and messaging are exceedingly important in every type of relationship. Somehow, people often manage to transform their long-distance communication in perpetual spamming. It does not work like this. It only makes you look possessive and stupid. Remember – in the case of remote relationships, less is more. It’s all about the quality of your communication. Your feelings are not going to become stronger if you talk twelve hours per day. It will only make your partner feel exhausted. You will both be tired of 'loving' for that matter.

4) Talk about your future

Long-distance relationships are 100% future dependent. It means that you try your best to make things work just to live together in the future. This recommendation has two equally important implementations. First, you need to determine what kind of future each of you look forward to. It might eventually appear that your paths do not match and keeping your relationship alive at the moment is absolutely useless. Second, if both of you are committed – talk about your future a lot (but not too much!). Plan something important, talk about countries you want to visit together, schedule a meeting – all this will help you enliven your relationship.

5) Use this time properly

Living together and creating a family, people often have little time left for their hobbies and interests. Since you are far away from each other and, consequently, you have some spare time – use it wisely. Attend language classes, stay fit or even get bulky (why not?), learn how to cook Spanish dishes or how to play guitar – everything works and the opportunities are practically limitless. Don’t waste the time missing your partner or being melancholic. It will end up miserably! Use this period to improve yourself.

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